Scenography, 2021
Workshop Scènes de Nuit
HEAD-Genève, Switzerland
Scenographic device in daylight
Scenographic device in daylight
Scenographic device in daylight
Scenographic device in daylight
The night scenes coming to life
The night scenes coming to life
The night scenes coming to life
The night scenes coming to life
“Les lavandières, une scénographie qui berce les promeneurs sur le fil d'un passé oublié.“
This scenography takes place on the promenade des lavandières, "the washerwomen's promenade". After Sunset - Before Sunrise presents and honors the night work of the women who did the laundry of Geneva citizens on wash boats until the 20th century.  
The "Lavandières" working on their wash boat in 1948 / ©Ville de Genève
The "Lavandières" working on their wash boat in 1948 / ©Ville de Genève
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